Boosting Focus: Manager's Guide to Team Performance

6 mins read

In today's fast-paced business world, the ability to concentrate is often undervalued. Researchers have found that 60% of workers face difficulties focusing on their work daily. While this may seem like an individual problem, its collective impact on an organisation is enormous: if only 40% of the workforce is operating at peak efficiency, one can imagine how this affects profitability. We spoke with Julia Golubeva, a sports physician, rehabilitation specialist, and manual therapist, about how to address concentration problems and how managers can improve employee focus.

Why Do Employees Struggle to Concentrate?

Understanding the factors that hinder focus in the workplace is crucial for developing effective strategies to help employees keep focused. The ability to focus can deteriorate due to several factors:

  1. Information overload: We're forced to process information in fragments, making it difficult to concentrate.
  2. Stress, fatigue, anxiety, and low motivation can shatter our focus, creating barriers to effective concentration. Even work tasks can distract from other work tasks. The main work-related distractions include meetings, constant email flow, and multitasking.
  3. Environmental factors such as noise, interference, and clutter can reduce focus on a single task.
  4. Gadgets and social media constantly distract us with notifications.

Understanding and managing these factors can positively influence the improvement of concentration and help employees stay on task.

Stress and information overloads make people hard to concentrate

Ways Managers Can Improve Employee Focus

To create a more employee-focused and team-focused environment, managers can implement several strategies:

  1. Support psychological well-being: Employers can provide access to specialist consultations and stress management and relaxation training. This will help employees deal more effectively with emotional challenges and increase their focus at work. For example, the Stayfitt app offers meditation and mindful breathing courses, as well as regularly publishing materials on emotional well-being.
  2. Create a suitable work environment: Organizing quiet work zones, minimizing distractions, providing comfortable furniture, and adjustable lighting all contribute to comfort and calmness, which in turn boosts productivity and helps focusing at work.
  3. Offer training and development programs: Provide employees with tools and skills for effective time management and improved focus. Time management training, concentration technique instruction, and productivity enhancement methods will help employees plan their time more effectively and avoid distractions, leading to improved overall performance.
  4. Involve employees in decision-making: Discussing issues related to their work contributes to improved concentration. Workers who feel important and valued by the company are more motivated and focused on achieving common goals. The opportunity to express opinions and suggest ideas creates an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect, ultimately increasing employee productivity.

Additional Tips on Focusing and Team Management Techniques

To further improve focus in the workplace and help your team grow professionally, consider these strategies:

Attention Training

Training attention is as important for our productivity as physical activity is for muscle tone. If you find it difficult to concentrate on a task for more than an hour, try this method: Work for 20 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. Repeat the cycle until the task is completed. Try gradually reducing the break to 1-2 minutes and increasing the work time until you can focus without distraction for an hour.

One Task at a Time

Multitasking reduces efficiency and slows down work. If you switch from one task to another, you risk not completing any of them. The quality of work decreases because you don't have time to concentrate on the task. Encourage employees to complete at least one task before moving on to the next. This is much more effective and helps keep employees on task.

Identifying Peak Activity Times

The ability to concentrate is also determined at the genetic level. Encourage employees to observe themselves throughout the day and analyze when their bodies are most productive. This can help them tackle important tasks when they can work most effectively. Suggest making notes to record their most productive days and hours; this will help schedule 'important' and 'slightly less important' tasks.


Regular practice can improve the ability to concentrate, reduce stress, and enhance emotional intelligence. Even a few minutes a day can make a significant difference. During meditation, we focus on something specific: breathing, sounds or smells, sensations in the body, which helps develop concentration. In addition, meditative practices help silence information noise and reduce stress and depression levels.


Breathing Techniques for Concentration

Mindful breathing helps reduce stress levels, improve blood circulation, and increase oxygen, which helps clear thinking and more effective concentration. Managers can introduce breathing exercises as a team management technique to improve focus at work:

  • Diaphragmatic breathing: Place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Slowly inhale through your nose for at least three seconds. Then exhale slowly through your nose. Just 5 minutes of controlled diaphragmatic breathing through the nose helps improve cognitive abilities and concentration.
  • Coherent breathing technique: Take a comfortable position, place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Try to breathe so that only the hand on your stomach moves. Slowly inhale for 5 seconds and exhale slowly for 5 seconds. Repeat the cycle at least 10 times.

In conclusion, improving employee concentration leads to increased productivity and work quality, which in turn contributes to business growth. By implementing these strategies and techniques, managers can help employees keep focused, create a more employee-focused and team-focused environment, and ultimately drive the success of their organization. Remember, investing in employee concentration is not only an investment in their well-being but also a deposit in the future success of the company as a whole.

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