Coca-Cola Case Study

Unifying Coca-Cola’s Employees through Movement

A Nationwide Initiative Promoting Inclusion and Physical Activity for All Abilities through the Power of Movement
In just 25 days, Coca-Cola's Christmas Caravan united 1,500 participants, and achieved 65.9 million steps, all whilst reporting a significant increase in employee productivity at work.
Vicky Bardin
Account Manager

The Challenge

The Christmas "Caravan of Coca-Cola" is one of the largest volunteer initiatives by Coca-Cola, traditionally uniting adolescents with varying mental, sensory, and physical characteristics.
The project aimed to kick off preparations foran addition of the Special Olympics Winter Games, involving children and adults with intellectual disabilities in Olympic-style sports competitions.
Given the pandemic, an online format was necessary to ensure accessibility and widespread participation while promoting awareness of the Special Olympics and maintaining engagement over almost four weeks.

The Solution

This year, "The Christmas Caravan of Coca-Cola" was entirely organised through the Stayfitt mobile application, unitingparticipants based on shared physical activity goals. The project's ambitious objective was to accumulate 300,000 unitsof physical activity to symbolically move the Caravan.
Participants registered on the Caravan's website, downloaded the Stayf app, and logged their physical activities, converting them into energy to propel the Caravan. Activities included walking, cycling, skiing, and other sports, making the project accessible to people of all fitness levels. Participants joined teams based on their sports interests, such as runners, water lovers, and strongmen.
The app featured team chats, leaderboards, and personal achievement tracking to boost engagement. Additionally, six creative challenges and threespecial training sessions led by Special Olympics athletes were organised, enhancing the project's interactive element.

The Results

The project exceeded its goal, collecting over 320,000 units of physical activity in 25 days. Coca-Cola donated £26,000 to support the development of inclusive sports within the regional branches of the Special Olympics. The initiative garnered significant interest, with 57% of participants actively logging their activities, sharing results, watching training sessions, and engaging in chat rooms. Weekly prize sets further motivated participants.
The project successfully:
  • Attracted a highly active audience willing to explore new opportunities.
  • Expanded participation through the accessible online format and compatibility with Android and iOS devices. Highlighted inclusionissues and introduced Special Olympics athletes.
  • Promoted Coca-Cola's inclusive initiatives in cities along the Caravan's route.
  • Demonstrated that physical activity is an accessible energy source for everyone.
With over 1,500 participants, the project achieved 65.9 million steps in less than four weeks. The Stayf app provided exercise sets tailored for individuals with different abilities, reinforcing the project's inclusive nature and broad appeal.