
Victoria Brighter

Who goes cycling when Form is zero or negative?

I am 70 now and have lost most of right lung, 2 lobes to carcinoma removal in 2017. I have difficulty keeping a positive form score, generally -1. Big effort today and Form went to -9 on Mountain Mash. I usually ride fairly flat and at low power and ...
Victoria Brighter

Question about fitness evaluation

I thought I had somewhat of a grip on fitness and relative effort, but this observation shakes everything I thought I knew
Victoria Brighter

Getting Started with Stayf: Tracking Performance

New to Stayf? Welcome! Our mission is to help people live their best active life. Our Getting Started with Stayf series is designed to help you get the most of Stayf. In this article, we'll talk about tracking performance. Stayf provides a variet...

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